by Meanne M. Mijares
Many are called, but few are chosen.
An image photo of Uncle Sam saying I want you for the US Army flashed in my mind while making this article in time for All Saints’ Day. If I am not mistaken, this was a time during a civil war. But the war am talking about here is entirely different perhaps, much worse. It is happening everyday-the spiritual war between good and evil. We are being tempted by the evil one in a lot of ways. The Lord and Blessed Mother need people like you and me in order to form a huge army of marching saints. They call us to become one-saints on earth and in heaven to win this war. You can be a saint living on earth and continue being one in heaven.
What is a saint? We see images of them in churches, shrines, stampitas, front covers of novenas and devotionals alongside with books they have written or about them and other bodies of work available in religious bookstores all over the world. Their lives are being immortalized through films and other media or digital formats. They are people (famous or not) called by our Lord to live His Word and do His work. We read about their lives and patronages before and after encountering the Lord. I have read some of their biographies with a spiritual game plan based on our Lord’s new commandment: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind. Love your neighbor as you love yourself”. Based on available writings and other available materials, we can define what it means using the acronym I came up with, inspired by the Holy Spirit:
A saint is a/an
Steward of our Lord’s creation, riches and other special blessings based on their God given abilities and qualities. Saints are sinners who decided to surrender their lives to God by mending their ways and live according to His will. They see and serve Him in others in the best way they can.
Agents of evangelization. Saints adore, love and worship God. Saints make God the center and focus of their lives. They spread the love, greatness and wonderful attributes of God to everyone far and wide. They make worship their lifestyle in everything and anything they do-that it is all about God and not themselves. They give up their very own lives in martyrdom for Him. To live is Christ and to die is gain.
Inspiration to many by their good examples and edifying actions. Since they adore and worship God, they imitate our Lord Jesus Christ and radiate His goodness before others. They inspire us that in spite of being imperfect, they can do all things through Him who gives them strength (Philippians 4:13) They strive to perfect as the Heavenly Father is perfect. They also pray and intercede for us in our times of need and trials. They help us in obtaining the best possible outcome concerning our prayers and requests and give glory to God. They let themselves be decreased and let Christ increase.
Nourished by the Word of God. They are nurturing persons by living the teachings of our Lord and encouraging more people to do likewise. They know that spiritual malnourishment is the worst of all malaise leading to moral decay and would not want this spread even further.
Transformed by the Spirit of God. Their hearts are on fire for and filled with the love of God. They become living images of our Lord. They are truthful and trustworthy. They always place their hopes, trust and confidence in Him.
Impossible, isn’t it? It may not seem so.
Although being a saint is no easy feat for we live in an imperfect world-full of distractions and sins in all forms are being done. It is not for the faint-hearted! But we can do it if we are truly committed to be one- in our own simple, little and humble way. Let us have the courage to pray and ask for the Holy Spirit to guide us to be saints little by little, step by step, slowly but surely-and before we know it, we’ll get there. And it will all be worth it!
When we sign up to become part of the army of saints, there is no turning back. Are you and I up to the task and endure for the mission entrusted to us?
Happy All Saints’ Day!