“The way of the Creative works through change and transformation, so that each thing receives its true nature and destiny and comes into permanent accord with the Great Harmony: this is what furthers and what perseveres.”- Alexander Pope
Accordingly, our human ability to transform reality must proceed in line with God’s original gift of all that is. (Pope Francis, LS #5)
REFLECTION: Industrialization, modernization, and globalization has great impact in our lives. But because of our wrong understanding about nature and environment, we happen to destroy them. In principle, transformation of the natural resources is not a bad thing if it will not disturb the cycle of life. Transformation is good as long as we aim for the good result. Transform the nature in a constructive way. Let the next generation see and experience the beautiful world. We must have a positive outlook about transformation because it is about bringing back the nature to where it truly belongs.
Key Statement: A positive outlook on transformation is about bringing back the nature to where it truly belongs.
Personal Challenge: I have to make sure that I will be an effective agent of transformation.
Lord our God, thank You for giving us the role to help transform our environment. Forgive us for being a part of its destruction. As instruments of change in renewing the earth, grant us the courage to collaborate with movements or groups who take actions for environmental integration. We pray with confidence and hope that we may transform the environment into a better place to live in. Amen.
ROMANO M. BULATAO is a Professor at Saint Louis University (SLU), Baguio City. He completed his AB Philosophy in 1990 at the Saint Anthony Mary Claret College (SAMCC), Quezon City; MA Religious Studies in 2003, and MA Philosophy in 2014, both in SLU; Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Theology, Major in Missiology, at the Institute for Consecrated Life in Asia (ICLA) – SAMCC in 2021. Mr. Bulatao served as the Department Head of Religion at SLU (2006-2009); and President of the Kapatirang Claretiano Inc. – Pangasinan Chapter (KCI-PC), since 2011. He is the author of the book entitled Touching Thoughts A-Z published in 2009; translator of the Novena to Saint Anthony Mary Claret (from Pangasinan language to English) published in 2015; and the Novena kay San Antonio Maria Claret (from Pangasinan language to Filipino) published in 2020 by the Claretian Publications. ((