Easter Vigil Mass
Jesus Risen – the Triumphant Mercy
OT Reading
Rom 6, 3-11
Lk 24, 1-12
Resurrection of Jesus is the infinite victory of the absolute goodness and mercy of God. Resurrection is the triumph of truth and the witness of the mystery of God’s love. Love and goodness; mercy and forgiveness can never be buried (for ever). It rises and shines for ever.
Jesus is the ‘mercy-face’ of God. He is God’s love and goodness; mercy and forgiveness incarnated and dwelt amidst us. He was absolute goodness and mercy to the whole of creation. He remained merciful and good in spite of all the rejections and denials; accusations and allegations; trials and temptations; humiliations and persecutions; agonies and pains. He did not deem his agonies and pains a thing to be considered, but in mercy, cared for the pains and sufferings of his antagonists, touched and healed them. Such was the power of his mercy and goodness that the powers of darkness had no control over him. Death could not overpower him. Reversely, the powers of darkness and death were conquered by triumphant victory of Jesus love and mercy. He was destroyed, but never perished; he was buried, but rose again!
The resurrection of Jesus, the Only resurrection ever reported in the history of humanity, is the proof that our God is a God of infinite love and mercy! The resurrection of Jesus is a proof that our God is a God of absolute goodness and benevolence! The resurrection is a proof that Jesus is the incarnate Son of the merciful Father. Resurrection is a proof that Jesus is the ‘mercy-face of God the Father. Resurrection is the living sign and channel of God’s ever flowing mercy and love. Resurrection is the sign and proof that God is eternally merciful!
We are all mortals. We are fragile and vulnerable. We fall in temptations. We conspire and gossip. We are unfaithful to ourselves and others. We grumble and murmur; complaint and rebel. We are egoistic and self-centred. Yet, the resurrection of Jesus gives us ‘hope.’ His resurrection tells us that his love is steadfast, and his mercy endures for ever. He does not count our offences, he does not mind our sins. For, he is merciful. He values our worth, he counts on our ‘being.’ We are precious to him. He wants us to ‘live’ with him. Therefore, he died for us, that we may not die forever. His resurrection, therefore, is our resurrection. His resurrection is the guarantee of his mercy and love for our eternal life.
No matter however sinful and weak we are. He understands and keeps his ‘door of mercy’ ever open before us. Let this celebration of the resurrection of Jesus in this year of mercy give us hope, courage and new lease of life to enter into a ‘covenantal communion’ of love and mercy with the Lord.
The resurrection of Jesus becomes an experience and reality, only when we allow ourselves to be challenged and transformed by the risen Lord himself. The holy women, the apostles, and the disciples were transformed by the risen Lord.
The Lord is risen! Our Lord is risen! Do not search for him among the dead. He lives forever! For, he is full of mercy and goodness! His mercy endures forever! Let us rejoice!