“Come back to me with all your heart, don’t let fear keep us apart!”
– Hosea 2

The majestic mountains whisper to my heart,
A slow dawn breaking, a gentle throbbing,
“It’s been a long time we’ve been apart
Come now, listen to your true self calling…”
Walk back home to your inner wilderness,
Embedded in your ancient beginnings,
Follow the path of blessed awareness,
A mild comforting presence unfolding.
Unravel the secrets of nature’s wisdom,
Hidden in creation’s wonders sprouting;
Imagine a foretaste of God’s kingdom,
With the manifold diversity flourishing.
Bear witness to every creature’s sacred story,
Like the little fireflies in the night blinking,
Like the lone eagle flying high in glory,
Like the spider’s intricate weaving.
Go deeper into the lungs of mother earth,
Inhale the fresh air of the forest breathing…
With pure healing love, a gentle rebirth,
A journey homeward to our true being.
The Earth yearns to be heard in her longings,
Listen now to her dreams and torments…
Enter its pains and wonders reverberating,
Calling us to act wisely in every moment.
Yes, come back to me with all your heart,
The time is now to change our old ways;
Never let fear nor apathy tear us apart,
Let God’s infinite love enfold us always!

Nanga Nangan, ZDS