Gospel: Lk 9:43b-45
But while all were amazed at everything Jesus did, he said to his disciples, “Listen, and remember what I tell you now: The Son of Man will be betrayed into the hands of men.” But the disciples didn’t understand this saying; something prevented them from grasping what he meant, and they were afraid to ask him about it.REFLECTION:
One of the greatest pains that we can experience during our lifetime is the pain caused by a friend’s betrayal. And the pain is all the more acute that we have given that friend our full confidence and have shared with him all our secrets.
By becoming a human being Jesus exposed himself to share all our human sufferings, and he suffered this particular form of suffering which was caused by the betrayal of his friend, Judas. It is revealing, in this connection, to note how many times in the gospels Jesus refers to this betrayal of Judas, without however revealing his name. Surely, when Jesus chose Judas to be an apostle, he had no idea that Judas would turn against him. On the contrary, he saw a good deal of potential for good in Judas and opened his heart to him in total trust. Consequently, the latter’s betrayal must have caused Jesus, a man of exquisite sensitivity, a pain such as we can hardly imagine.
Jesus made himself like us in all things but sin, as the Creeds say and, like us, he suffered from a soured relationship. Let us turn to him when we suffer in like manner, for he understands us.
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