Meanne M. Mijares
Today is All Souls’ Day.
Every time a loved one or somebody we knew and touched our lives dies, a part of us die too. Their passing pains and weakens us for we will forever miss them. We keep their memories alive as much as we can by remembering them in our prayers while we move on with our lives without them. It may be difficult at first, but eventually we cope with and get used to the so-called, “new normal”. By doing so, we die a little each day through sacrifice for what is right in order to live fully, love truly. We need to lose and give up in to gain something worthwhile. Every day, we die to ourselves and to our sins to live the Word of God.
Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself had experienced grief and loss of St. Lazarus’ death then He brought him back to life. The Bible said that He wept so He clearly understood how we feel. We also saw His crucifixion and death on the cross but rose again gloriously from the dead. He has proven that although death may be a part of life, it is not the end of life but a transition to a much better destiny-eternal life where there is no more pain, hurt, hunger and tears-only the loving presence of our Lord.
I would like to invite Fil Catholic readers to spend a few moments reflecting on the spiritual ambiguity of death and rebirth, as expressed in the prayers of our various religious traditions, while remembering your beloved dead. They are no longer in the grave but eternally alive with God in Heaven with all the angels and saints and other faithful departed souls praising God and celebrating His love and gift of salvation! They also inspire us to live a life in step with and pleasing to God so one day, may we be with them also.
As we commemorate these thoughts on the Feast of All Souls’ Day, let us look at death with hope and faith in our Risen Lord. It is finished! The fight is finally over! Victory is gained. Well done, good and faithful servants of God!
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.
Let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace. Amen.