Gospel: Mt 5:17-19
Jesus said to his disciples, “Do not think that I have come to annul the law and the prophets. I have not come to annul them, but to fulfill them. I tell you this: as long as heaven and earth last, not the smallest letter or dot in the law will change, until all is fulfilled.
“So then, whoever breaks the least important of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, will be the least in the kingdom of heaven. On the other hand, whoever obeys them, and teaches others to do the same, will be great in the kingdom of heaven.“REFLECTION:
The wisdom of the law
The greatness of any nation is measured by the Law that guides it. The Law enshrines the values of a people. That which a people considers valuable and important is carved on stone. Such was the case of Israel, the people of God. The Torah guided the life of Israel.
The Law given at Sinai contain the fundamental laws of any society. In fact, all nations follow the prescriptions of the Law. The first tablet guides religious life, and the second tablet guides human relationships. Even if one were not a Christian believer, still the first tablet remains applicable in its essence, honor and devotion to a diety or superior being . The second tablet on the other hand establishes laws without which any human society cannot exist. What would society be if the second tablet were discarded? Can you imagine a society that would not respect life, property, and relationships? Can you imagine a society that does not believe in truth? What if murder, theft, and lying, and adultery were no longer deemed wrong? Would there be justice in such a society? Would there be honor among people? Would there be peace?
When, therefore, any nation tries to do away with these fundamental laws society would be on the road to perdition. The collapse of great empires were all due to their moral depravity. May it not happen to us!