Gospel: John 21:20-25
Peter looked back and saw that the disciple Jesus loved was following as well, the one who had reclined close to Jesus at the supper, and had asked him, “Lord, who is to betray you?” On seeing him, Peter asked Jesus, “Lord, what about him?” Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain until I come, is that any concern of yours? Follow me!”
Because of this, the rumor spread in the community that this disciple would not die. Yet Jesus did not say to Peter, “He will not die,” but, “Suppose I want him to remain until I come back, what concern is that of yours?”
It is this disciple who testifies about the things and has written these things down, and we know that his testimony is true. But Jesus did many other things; if all were written down, I think the world itself could not contain the books that should be written.
“Follow me!”
The passage is the last part of John’s gospel. Peter would like to focus on John who reclined close to Jesus at Last Supper. How about him? Will he undergo the same?
Jesus’ reply seems to mean it should not be his (Peter’s) con cern. His concern should rather be following Jesus.
The last paragraph introdu ces the gospel writer we know as John the Evangelist. He testifies or certifies that everything he has written in the gospel story is true. We understand the truth here as something to do for our salva tion, not so much the accuracy of the data presented. The writer limited his story to just a few episodes on the life of Jesus and that is enough for his audience. The reader or listener will come to know more about Jesus in the process when he is also doing God’s works and dying on his own cross for the love of Jesus.
Each Christian should ask, “How about me?” What does Je sus want of me? The answer must be clear: “Follow Jesus.” Follow him as he is described in the gos pel. Therefore we must not stop reading and reflecting the gospel and acting accordingly.
© Copyright Bible Diary 2019