Gospel: Mt 6:19-23
Do not store up treasures for yourself here on earth, where moth and rust destroy it; and where thieves can steal it. Store up treasures for yourself with God, where no moth or rust can destroy it, nor thief come and steal it. For where your treasures are, there, also, will your heart be. The lamp of the body is the eye; if your eyes are sound, your whole body will be full of light. If your eyes are diseased, your whole body will be full of darkness. If, then, the light in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!Reflections
Do not store up treasures for yourself here on earth We amass because we are insecure, anxious and empty within. We constantly buy things and gadgets in order to feel good about ourselves; we accumulate wealth and property in order to find fulfillment. We accumulate in order to still the gnawing hollowness within. But the more we fill in our interior emptiness with things of the world, the more shrill the cry for lasting love and meaning becomes. Tragically, the louder the cry of interior pain, the more acquisitive we become. Finite things cannot fill in our infinite longings. Only infinite love can.© Copyright Bible Diary 2018