Gospel: Mk 10:13-16
People were bringing their little children to him to have him touch them; and the disciples rebuked them
for this. When Jesus noticed it, he was very angry and said, “Let the children come to me and don’t stop them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.” Then he took the children in his arms and, laying his hands on them, blessed them.Lectio Divina
Read: Isaiah captures the joy and delight of the people at the birth of the child of the promise, and how this child would redefine their destiny. Paul highlights how the birth of Christ Jesus births us into the identity of God’s own children. Mark reports that Jesus was “very angry” when children were prevented from coming to him.
Reflect: We celebrate the feast of St. Niño today, and fittingly, the readings revolve around the theme of birth and children. The birth of a child is more than the birth of a child; it is the harbinger of many new
beginnings – often it brings along with it hope, redemption, forgiveness, re-union, love. The presence of children in our lives keeps us alive to the possibilities within and around us. Children prevent the ossification of our souls. No wonder Jesus was furious that the disciples blocked the presence of children with him. And great is the need for us to nurture the presence and connection to the little babe of Bethlehem within us, for he can give us light and hope when we walk in the shadow of death.
Pray: Pray to Santo Niño to be ever present to you as the Prince of your heart.
Act: Reach out and do an act of charity to a child in distress. Be a blessing.© Copyright Bible Diary 2018