“Promoting an attitude of Gratitude is a way to heal feelings of entitlement and materialism in children.”
Given a situation where children want something that a playmate have. He may demand for something similar because he feels entitled too. The tendency to crave for something is a conditioned response of which the child may not even understand. What are feelings of Entitlement? It reflects a “sense of right”. Entitlement is a feeling of getting what one deserves. A privilege over something.
The practice of gratitude springs from developing the appreciation for life. The sense for life is the awareness of wellbeing or pain. The balance between ease and discomfort gives rise to an understanding of physical pain to emotional discomfort, difficulties and need. The inner sense of comfort creates joy.
Discomfort includes the experience of drastic weather changes like too warm, too wet, too cold, hunger, or the lack of sleep. Help children develop skills contend with discomfort or suffering that is in the world. Understanding suffering leads to an appreciation of what is lacking.

Exude Gratitude! when a child gifts you. it may be the only thing he has and he gave it to you. (Photo credit: https://pixabay.com/en/chestnut-autumn-brown-913748)
Equanimity elicits the capacity to identify what is missing that is essential. Making sure that children are able to practice gratitude in daily conversations make them realize what they have and what they are given.
Practicing to say SALAMAT PO or THANK YOU! Affirm what they have. Expressing appreciation helps find Goodness and Beauty that is likewise in this world.
The experience of awe and deep beauty opens the mind to the vastness of life. Out of awe comes the reverence at the core of gratitude. Nature trips and nature walks expose the child to commune with nature.
Maria Lourdes de Vera, RN is an artist and author