Mt 9:27-31
As Jesus moved on from there, two blind men followed him, shouting, “Son of David, help us!” When he was about to enter the house, the blind men caught up with him, and Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do what you want?” They answered, “Yes, sir!”
Then Jesus touched their eyes and said, “As you have believed, so let it be.” And their eyes were opened. Then Jesus gave them a stern warning, “Be careful and let no one know about this.” But as soon as they went away, they spread the news about him through the whole area.
In the Gospel of today we find three persons: on the one hand the two blind people, and on the other, Jesus.
In these two blind persons we stress their perseverance in asking for sight, entering even into the house, their faith in the “Son of David” and his power of healing, and finally their joy in spreading the miracle, against the prescription of Jesus. These are the attitudes to imitate in our petitions to the Lord.
In Jesus we admire his prudence: before fulfilling the cure, he puts a crucial question: “Do you believe that I am able to do what you want?” This is the required mind-set that lies deep in the heart. We observe also the gesture of Jesus: he touched their eyes. This direct contact is so human and prefigures the sacraments, in which the grace is conveyed by physical contact.
The formula of Jesus is also prudent: “As you have believed, so let it be.” The faith is then the measure of the gift. Finally, we point out the modesty of Jesus asking for absolute discretion.
Aren’t these the true signs of the true prophets and ministers of the Lord?
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