Jn 20: 1-9 (or Mk 16:1-7)
Now, on the first day after the Sabbath, Mary of Magdala came to the tomb early in the morning while it was still dark, and she saw that the stone blocking the tomb had been moved away. She ran to Peter, and the other disciple whom Jesus loved, and she said to them, “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb and we don’t know where they have laid him.”
Peter then set out with the other disciple to go to the tomb. They ran together, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. He bent down and saw the linen cloths lying flat, but he did not enter.
Then Simon Peter came, following him, and entered the tomb; he, too, saw the linen cloths lying flat. The napkin, which had been around his head, was not lying flat like the other linen cloths, but lay rolled up in its place. Then the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, also went in; he saw and believed. Scripture clearly said that Jesus must rise from the dead, but they had not yet understood that.
READ: The first reading tells us that Jesus, the Anointed One by the Father, has been doing well, healing the sick and proclaiming the Good News but still was killed. Amidst the experience of darkness of death, God brings life as Christ rose from the dead. It is asserted by the gospel that God truly mediates and raises to life His faithful servant. The second reading conveys that the victory of life has to be manifested in our lives through actions.
REFLECT: Does darkness prevail over light? Does death kill life? The forces of death (lies, corruption, injustice, oppression, calumny, hate, deceit, malice, jealousy …) will never overcome life, although it may seem they get the better of it for some time. Christ shows us how to win life over death. As we often say, “There is always resurrection after death!” So, brothers and sisters do not get tired of doing what is right. Keep your gaze on Jesus!
PRAY: Lord, fill my heart with the experience of your most passionate love so that when things go wrong and things may seem obscure and confusing, the light of your love will prevail. May we learn to stand up for what is right; and do things pleasing in your sight. Amen.
ACT: Promote life, protect our mother earth and fight against corruption!
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