by Maria Lourdes De Vera, RN
When a child is left alone to deal with their own feelings of frustration with no way to express them, their actions manifest their extreme discomfort. Signs of difficulties include hyper-activity, poor concentration, poor social behavior and lack of proper communication skills. These difficulties become pattern of responses that can be triggered with the slightest and unspecific provocation.
Extreme irritability and sensitivity is a fine example of these difficulty. In school this contributes to lack of performance that results to poor class participation resulting to failure in academic subjects.
The child can be a real challenge to teachers. The same child can be a source of anxiety to other kids in the class. The high levels of stress brought about by screaming and crying disrupts the environment. Often this creates discord between parents of children in the same class.
The need to prioritize classroom goals and management is important. Plan activities that will help the child process her emotional difficulty and develop appropriate behaviors in class. By offering positive channels to process pent up emotions, they can come to terms with overwhelming emotions, confusing choices and difficult circumstances.
Children are naturally spontaneous and open but there are situations when verbal expressions are stifled. Children especially boys need lots of outlet for his energies. They may feel trapped inside when they are contained in one place. Children need to run, play and explore the outer limits of their strength.
Artistic activities can be offered as an expressive therapy for children needing support.
Creative activities helps children needing special emotional and behavioural support a venue to release these emotions. These are creative activities that a child can participate in school. It includes painting, drawing, clay modelling, music, drama, literary and dance that improves a child’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Art activities builds a sense of achievement and a sense of belonging. Creating a positive and supportive environment combined with a loving and firm attitude from the teacher in school builds the child’s sense of confidence.