Gospel: Mk 8:11-13
The Pharisees came and started to argue with Jesus. Hoping to embarrass him, they asked for some heavenly sign. Then his spirit was moved. He gave a deep sigh and said, “Why do the people of this present time ask for a sign? Truly, I say to you, no sign shall be given to this people.” Then he left them, got into the boat again, and went to the other side of the lake.Reflections
This scriptural passage reminds us once again about our mortality. We need constant reminding because we tend to lull ourselves in the delusion that it will not happen to us for a long time. We see our friends going before us, our loved ones, people younger than us, but somehow we cannot imagine it happening to ourselves. So we need constant reminders: MEMENTO MORI. But this should not make us morbid but, rather, it should make us value life more than ever. The flowers of the field are beautiful but they will pass away. But their existence has been worthwhile because of the passersby who had been given joy by admiring its beauty. Mao Tse Tung said: “Death can be as heavy as a mountain and as light as a feather” What a mystical statement for an atheist. I don’t know if for him a heavy death is better than one as light as feather. One can make an argument for both. A heavy death can be positive if it meant that one’s life has been so worthwhile that one would be missed heavily by those who have benefitted from it. And a light death may be the consequence of light, meaningless life. In other words it means the difference between a significant life and a life without consequence. Reminding us of our mortality makes us want to live each moment significantly.© Copyright Bible Diary 2018