Gospel: Mk 6:53-56
Having crossed the lake, they came ashore at Gennesaret, where they tied up the boat. As soon as they landed, people recognized Jesus, and ran to spread the news throughout the countryside. Wherever he was, they brought to him the sick lying on their mats; and wherever he went, to villages, towns or farms, they laid the sick in the marketplace, and begged him to let them touch just the fringe of his cloak. And all who touched him were cured.REFLECTION:
“Brother sun and sister moon“
The first readings of this week reveal to us the wonder of creation. The story of creation tells us that God is the author of all life–animate and inanimate! All life comes from God! All creatures are to give glory to God. Thus the Psalmist prays “Praise the Lord from the earth, sea creatures and all oceans, fire and hail, snow and mist, stormy winds that obey his word; all mountains and hills, all fruit trees and cedars, beasts, wild and tame. . .“ (Ps 148)! Truly, St. Francis was right in speaking of “brother sun“ and “sister moon!“
All of creation is good! “God saw that it was good!“ That is the assessment of the Creator! Pope Francis in “Laudato si“ exhorted us to respect the order God had set over creation. How truly sad it is that because of the irresponsibility of man, driven by inordinate greed, our common home has suffered much abuse! The phenomenon we call “climate change“ is upon us because we have abused mother earth!
Today would be a good time to beg God for forgiveness for our abuse of our natural resources. And today may also be a good time to make amends. How about getting some “cleaning operation“ in our neighborhood? Or perhaps even planting a tree?