THIS IS A belated benediction that, thanks to the retreat-book (one of three) “Consoling the Heart of Jesus” Ate Myla lent me, has opened wide my eyes, heart, mind, body and soul to most of what I’ve been missing. I’m talking about TOP, my acronym for the Three O’clock Prayer, which blessed instruction St. Faustina received from Jesus Himself, so that, “at this (commemorative, mine) hour of His abandonment, He will allow the faithful to enter His mortal sorrow and refuse nothing to the (particulary sinful) soul that makes a request of Him in virtue of His passion.” While it is true that, since Ate Amy gifted me with an embossed Divine Mercy Chaplet, I never missed praying it before my rosary, the TOP habit is an extension of the Chaplet, which is the next best thing to the Eucharist, both having the sacred specimens of Christ, body and blood (albeit spiritual in the Chaplet).
It is short, shorter than the Angelus and, for the life of me, confounds no end why I never gave it serious, solemn consideration. In my heart of hearts, I feel that many wish to pray it once they realize its import and message, so I’m sharing it here, that it may forever stay in our mind until our heart memorizes it ad infinitum.
“You expired, Jesus, but the source of life gushed forth for souls and the ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world. O fount of life, unfathomable Divine Mercy, envelop the whole world and empty Yourself out upon us.
O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the heart of Jesus, as a fount of mercy for us, I trust in You (3x). Amen.”
It is easier to say, “Right, it’s too short, I got it down pat.” than actually keep it in mind until the heart has it because one will never run out of excuses to claim once they forget it. I know I have and only realized the severity of my lapses when I really took to heart Christ’s imploring supplication. Imagine the Lord begging us, His creations, to have mercy on Him! If that’s not a humongous grab at the guttural, tell me what is.
I have written about St. Faustina (October 20, 2016) and am aware that most of us have the devotional so will not belabor the fact except urge everyone to keep a contrite heart reaching out to His and heed His request.
Speaking of mercy, I am continuously awed by Ate Emma’s heartfelt generosity. She is a member of our BEC weekly bible-sharing. My respect for her started at the PREX seminar she attended where I served. She is a Kasambahay of a wealthy BF resident, church fixture and generous donor whose generosity extends to allowing her to attend the seminar, serve at the succeeding ones, join the Kasambahay monthly program and, the very latest, this weekly bible-sharing of ours. She not only has faith but the fire to declare it openly at any crowd and instance. She admitted to being intimidated at first (for reasons easy to understand), but when she realized God and His children do not discriminate, she never wavered in journeying with us. My present point is explained by the occasion of her posting on our chat site Radio Veritas appealing for donations for our typhoon Rolly-ravaged countrymen in places where devastation was utmost. Coming from her, I was jolted into responding and said I’ll look into my closet for clothes I can spare. She messaged me (and the others) back that it’s cash that the fund-raising prefers. I sent her my regrets for being cashless and she understood. Mutually, we agreed that prayers are also essential for the victims of the calamity.
I’m also reminded of the immediate response of my fellow TTJ-ers last Monday afternoon, when Fr. Fed virtually met with us to reflect on the seven days that each of the four servant teams shared their insights on the theme “Knowledge of the Self.” In the middle of the meeting, my wife sidled up to me to say that our eldest son was feeling out of sorts. He was aware that of the few times (outside of WFH) that he reported for work, one of his co-employees who was symptomatic was also asked to join the skeletal crew. Asthmatic, he is the most concerned and cautious among us of the dreaded virus. He started to isolate himself from us and will advise the office afterwards. I promised Myrna to do what’s necessary. During the sharing portion of our session, I said I had nothing to share but a supplication for Fr. Fed to lift up my son for protection. The others gave their assent and I thanked them most sincerely.
Not content with that, Ates Ver and Vicky called to prescribe home remedies that may prevent the pandemic from affecting Alex. Ate Bubbles expressed similar concern. UtoLiza offered prayers. And Fr. Fed messengered me his reassurances. I was drinking from the saucer again.
In reciprocation, I will visit the Church before 3 pm today to include the Stations of the Cross in my habit. Compared to the many earth angels and unceasing blessings that rain down on me daily, it is but a smidgen of a token. Amen.