Church people cal for end to killings during a rally in Manila, Sept. 21, 2017. ROY LAGARDE
Posted by Roy Lagarde
A religious order is puzzled over President Rodrigo Duterte’s supposed lack of outrage on the P6.4-billion drug shipment from China in May.
The Redemptorist Missionaries of the Philippines said the 600 kg of methamphetamines, locally known as “shabu”, slipped through the Bureau of Customs due to links of drug lords to politicians and BOC officials.
“In all of these, there was no howl from the President and other high ranking government officials,” the Redemptorists said.
Duterte is known for his using colorful language against people allegedly involved in illegal drug trade, and even his critics.
The missionaries made the statement as they renewed their criticisms against the government’s bloody crackdown on illegal narcotics, that claimed thousands of lives, mostly poor people.
“We condemn the war as a war on the poor,” said the priests, whose missions and programs are mostly dedicated to serving the country’s poor and neglected communities.
“Most of the victims of extra-judicial killings are poor people,” they said. “On the other hand, rich drug lords and politician coddlers of drug suppliers are given the full extent of the due process of law.”
But deploring the drug war, they said, does not undermine their stance against illegal drugs.
Even before the Duterte government, the religious order is among those at the forefront in denouncing the drug menace in their proclamations and programs.
“We did not just denounce, however, we also organized programs and services to victims of drug addiction like counselling, livelihood projects and community support mechanisms,” the Redemptorists said.
“We call on the government to respect the law and uphold life. We call on the government to stop the killings. The “war on drugs” which in reality is a war on the poor has to end. Now!” they added.
The Redemptorists also lamented the seeming indifference of many Filipinos to the drug killings.
“As Filipinos, we are gravely concerned with the kind of society we have become. What kind of people have we become?” they said.
Post Credit: CBCPNews