by Fr. Wilfredo Samson, SJ
As we begin our inner journey towards Bethlehem, it is good to seriously set our eyes towards Jesus. Are you convinced that Jesus is the one that you need in your life? Are you convinced that finding Him is finding your LIFE, YOUR HAPPINESS, AND YOUR EVERYTHING?
To be certain WHAT WE ARE SEEKING is to know our DESTINATION and the PATH TO TAKE in this life. At the beginning of our inner journey, it is important for us to pray, “Lord Jesus, I am convinced that You’re all I need in my life. To have You is to have my everything.”
To say that the Jesus is all I DESIRE IN MY LIFE will set your feet towards Bethlehem. Our deepest desire will tell us where our feet, hearts, and energy will go. This was the reason why John the Baptist sent two of His disciples to Jesus and asked, “Are you the one we are expecting, or should we wait for another?” (Luke 7:19). He wanted to be certain that he was not following a false God that offered false promises and dreams. We are tired of false God that offers treasures that’s not lasting. We want something that will last forever. For we are destined to forever.
John was not disappointed with Jesus. Without any doubt, Jesus responded positively to the question. He said … “Go back and tell John, what you have seen and heard: the blind see again, the lame walk, lepers are made clean, the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life, and the poor are given good news.” (Luke 7:22)
Hearing these words of assurance. Like John the Baptist, we are convinced that Jesus is all we need in our life. We need to SEE GOD in our midst, especially in the midst of our difficulties and confusion. We need to WALK with confidence and trust God that He knows what’s best for us. We need to cast out the demons that haunt us. We need to HEAL our biases and prejudices and close the gaps of disconnections. We need to HEAR and respond to the cry of the lonely, the lost, and the least. We need to RISE from our hopelessness, let go of our regrets, and move on. And in this Year of Mercy, we need to bring GOOD NEWS to the poor.
Yes! We have found what we are looking for – it is JESUS. At the start of our period of reflection for this season let’s say … “I WANT YOU JESUS IN MY LIFE.” Imitating the three wise men and the shepherds in the field, it’s time to take the first step towards Bethlehem. Let’s bing our gifts to the newly-born Savior. Pack up your faith, wear the garment of praise, intensify your prayer, and bring your heart with great desire. All roads to Bethlehem.
But before traveling to Bethlehem, check the following:
- Do you really want to see Jesus? Do you really want Him in your life? Are you willing to be obey Him and be your King?
- What areas of your life that needs healing? Why?
- What do you bring with you as your gift to Jesus?
Post Credit: CBCP News