I DID NOT look closely at the poster that proclaimed it. So on the day when the recollection speaker arrived at the Church, I saw Fr. James for the first time and blessed him with a greeting... Read more
Vincentian Priest Talks About Joy “JOY: THE ESSENCE of it All” was the title of Fr. Peter Solis’ Recollection Talk. He was the second Vincentian to set foot on the Holy Spirit Church, the fi... Read more
Claretian Priest Concludes Series of Talk on Pastoral LeadershipI CANNOT SLEEP. It is not a sleeplessness that accompanies anxiety, but one that is buoyed by joy. Shortly before 9 pm, my bro... Read more
IT WAS AUTHORED by Ruth B. Kennedy, 30, who lives in England with her husband. She loves running, wild camping, and writing, and thinks there is almost nothing better than the feeling of sat... Read more
ATE MYLA POSITED that my recent preoccupation is Fr. Adrian Lazo, our young, energetic, inspirational, recently-installed parish priest. She meant that in a good way, in response to my calli... Read more
Orphan Deacon Delivers Mary: Pregnant with Marvel and MercyAS PUNCTUAL AS they come, Ate Taki and Sis Carrot were also as sure as I was standing in our patio looking out for them. They came... Read more
First LOM Annual Retreat, conclusion THE PROVERBIAL BUTTERFILES in Ate Mom’s* stomach rendered her sleepless for some nights before the Sunday she agreed to deliver a Marian Talk (next to Fr... Read more
THE FIRST ANNUAL Retreat of Mother of God Curia opened with the usual light- and perspective-setting exercise Legionaries cannot do without, the praying of the rosary. It was initiated by Si... Read more