MANILA, Feb. 10, 2016— Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle on Ash Wednesday lashed out at the hypocrisy of some people who promote themselves under the guise of “charity”.
In his homily, the prelate tackled some concerns such as poverty and environment but reserved his more impassioned words for ordinary people whose struggles are worsened by some people’s “selfish” thirst for power.
“There will be a lot of charity work in the days to come but how many of those will be true service? Or these might just be self-promotion,” Tagle said in Filipino.
Selfish interests
The cardinal reminded the faithful real generosity of spirit is doing something for someone without their knowledge.
He lamented that even charity, which is supposed to be a path to closer union with God, can be used for selfish interests.
“This is why Jesus said when you give alms, don’t be noisy about it. Don’t have a barrage of photos taken. That’s the work of hypocrites,” added the prelate in the vernacular.
Tagle presided over a Eucharistic celebration held at the Archdiocese of Manila chapel in Intramuros today with the rite of the blessing and imposition of the ashes.
According to him, the season of Lent is a call for reconciliation with God. This invitation, he said, rings out to Christians to take the Lenten call to conversion seriously.
But the cardinal warned that doing acts charity contrary to its true meaning is like rubbing salt into wounds.
“That is not charity, it is an insult to the recipient,” he said. “And you distance yourself from God and your fellowmen even more when this is your type of almsgiving.”
Tagle also emphasized the message of today’s Gospel reading in which Jesus rereads the three works of mercy— almsgiving, prayer, and fasting.
He reminded Catholics that Lent is a time for renewal, with special attention towards the suffering of others and helping them.
Aside from the usual acts of prayer and fasting during Lent, he encouraged the faithful to do acts of charity.
He said one way to help is by the supporting archdiocese’s Pondo ng Pinoy and the Fast2Feed of Hapag-Asa, a program aimed at feeding hungry and malnourished children.
“It’s really purification. With our fellowmen, the poor, society, the environment… That’s where we should focus and center our prayers, our fasting, almsgiving and not to call attention to ourselves but instead to go back to God and reconcile with Him,” said Tagle in Filipino. (Roy Lagarde / CBCP News)