Gospel: Mk 16:15-20
Then he told them, “Go out to the whole world and proclaim the Good News to all creation. The one who believes and is baptized will be saved; the one who refuses to believe will be condemned. Signs like these will accompany those who have believed: in my name they will cast out demons and speak new languages; they will pick up snakes, and if they drink anything poisonous, they will be unharmed; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.”
So then, after speaking to them, the Lord Jesus was taken up into heaven and took his place at the right hand of God. The Eleven went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by the signs that accompanied it.REFLECTION:
The last instruction of the Lord is given to His disciples. They have to go out and spread His teachings. The group started as a little movement with members that do not really inspire confidence. It is an amalgam of fishermen, tax-collectors, patriots and a thief. But they have undergone the purifying bath of the passion, death and resurrection of the Lord. They have been tested and have stood firm, albeit with certain hesitation. Their training is complete. From being disciples of the Lord, they will make disciples of others.
And so it goes that in life we pass through certain stages but we are not meant to stay there forever. Life progresses towards a definite end. The destination is what we make of it in our sojourn. Let us take our place too in the community of God’s disciples and make others disciples of God too. Our mission awaits. Let us take up the task with courage for the Lord will be with us till the end.