Gospel: Lk 12:8-12
I tell you, whoever acknowledges me before people, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God. But the one who denies me before others will be denied before the angels of God.
There will be pardon for the one who criticizes the Son of Man, but there will be no pardon for the one who slanders the Holy Spirit.
When you are brought before the synagogues, and before governors and rulers, don‘t worry about how you will defend yourself, or what to say; for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you have to say.”REFLECTION:
Many times Christians are confronted with various forms of persecution because of their faith. This faith is tested constantly and gradually: from simple criticism and condemnation to severe persecution; from insult or attack on one‘s dignity to physical attack or violence. Many, because of fear and weakness, gave up their faith and turn their back from God. How about us, what shall we do when we are confronted with such situation? Shall we face our persecutors and trust God; or shall we surrender our faith just to spare ourselves from suffering?
Jesus assures us that during the time of persecutions the Holy Spirit will teach us what we have to say (cf. v.12). Just like warriors who use armors or defensive covering for their body to secure themselves and to have confidence in facing their enemies; we, Christians, need a ”spiritual armor,” the Holy Spirit, that would give us confidence to face our persecutors, protect our souls from fear and secure our faith.
In times that we are persecuted because of our faith, we must not fear but trust in God, who will send his Spirit to guide and teach us what to say. If we are confronted with our persecutors yet we still acknowledge the Son of Man and never blaspheme against the Holy Spirit, our Lord will acknowledge us before the angels of God!