Gospel: Mk 4:21-25
Jesus also said to them, “When the light comes, is it put under a basket or a bed? Surely it is put on a lamp stand. Whatever is hidden will be disclosed, and whatever is kept secret will be brought to light. Listen then, if you have ears!“
And he also said to them, “Pay attention to what you hear. In the measure you give, so shall you receive, and still more will be given to you. For to the one who produces something, more will be given; and from him who does not produce anything, even what he has will be taken away from him.“REFLECTION:
“Fruitfulness in the Ministry“
God had revealed to Ananias in yesterday’s reading that Saul of Tarsus was hand-picked by the Lord to become his apostle to the gentiles. Now we celebrate the memorial of two of St. Paul’s “sons in the faith“–St. Timothy and St. Titus!
St. Paul was like a light on the lampstand that the Gospel speaks of today. St. Paul went around testifying to the powerful love of Christ. Along the way he had to organize the communities he had evangelized. He scouted and formed leaders in the churches he formed. He encouraged the young Timothy to be brave. He told Titus to follow in his example in the care for the churches. St. Paul knew the importance of what we call today “succession planning!“
We are reminded today that the success story in the apostolate is tested by generating or inspiring others to follow after us and continue the apostolate. We must be able to find others who will come after us to continue the mission. We must pass on the light of faith to the next generation. Like St. Paul we also must have “sons and daughters“ in the faith like Timothy and Titus!