“Wounded but not broken. Frail but not Fragile. Gentle but not swayed. Judged but not judgmental.”
The greatest souls are awakened out of suffering. The most impressive personalities endured many scars. The strongest persons are the gentlest.
There is a common saying that “the eyes are the windows of your soul” There is a different kind of glow in the eyes of a person very much in love. Fury emanates in the eyes of the any disgruntled person. When people do nasty things to people, they lose the courage to look straight into someone else eyes. On the opposite end when someone does terrible things towards your person, you cringe with the sight of that person. There is something in the eyes that will always unveil what you are keeping beneath the covers of your skin.
But the eyes are not just the window of your soul.
The smile you wear is the expression of one’s soul. A smile tells a lot of story. Hidden in the fine lines, pale lips to blushing cheeks. It tells everything that you hide. A beautiful smile hides an injured soul and a broken heart. A simple smile is worth a thousand words but can also mask a thousand problems.
A smile can melt a cold person. There times when it is not the tears that we shed that tells the pain you hide but the many smiles to cover your hurts. A smile is the shortest distance between two hearts.
Because the words that come out of your lips is the fruit of your heart. So be certain of what jumps out of it. Every word has the capacity to break bridges, mend or sustain friendships. If we could try and see the world from the eyes of a child, we will find magic in everything.
Why do we find magic in a smile of child? Why is there peace? Because we are seeing the world through the eyes of soul who remains hopeful that the world we live in is beautiful.
Everything happens for a reason, live it, love it, learn from it, so open your heart before you open mouth, Make your smile change the world but don’t let the world change your smile.
Every person you meet has a name but unless they tell you their story you will never know them, no one can tell you the story best but the person who went through it, you will see their smile but not their pain, sometimes you see the bitterness in a smile but fail to catch the glimpse of its sweetness, you will see the cuts and bruises but the scars. You can read their lips but their thoughts are locked in the chambers of the mind.
Above all the prettiest smiles hide the deepest secrets. The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears because the kindest hearts have felt the most pain but have not allowed their pain to take the better part of them.
Maria Lourdes de Vera is the award winning author and artist of the book “Arts and the Creation Stories” She is a Registered Nurse and Licensed Secondary Teacher who gives lectures in different Schools, Colleges and Universities.
In celebration of the National Teachers’ Month and the World Teachers’ Day, Marielou was invited to give a lecture on “Finding Arts in Teaching, Finding Teaching in Arts” at University of Sto. Tomas, College of Education. The 2015 Lecture Series celebrating Teaching and Learning Across Disciplines was sponsored by the Metrobank Foundation, Incorporated, Network of Outstanding Teachers and Educators ( NOTED ) in cooperation with University of Santo Tomas. Marielou was among the distinguished Educators in their own field of practice who shared their experience in teaching.