Gospel: Matthew 15:21-28
Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. A Canaanite woman from the area, came and cried out, “Lord, Son of David, have pity on me! My daughter is tormented by a demon.” But Jesus did not answer her, not even a word. So his disciples approached him and said, “Send her away! See how she is shouting after us.”
Then Jesus said to her, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the nation of Israel.”
But the woman was already kneeling before Jesus, and said, “Sir, help me!” Jesus answered, “It is not right to take the bread from the children and throw it to puppies.” The woman replied, “That is true, Sir, but even puppies eat the crumbs which fall from their master’s table.” Then Jesus said, “Woman, how great is your faith! Let it be as you wish.” And her daughter was healed at that moment.Reflections
“Woman, how great is your faith!“
We have here in the gospel passage an extraordinary demon stration of faith in Jesus. Although the point of the reading is the inclusion of other nations in the saving plan of God, the unwave ring faith and persistence of the woman take on special attention. Three time she was ignored and rebuffed, but she persisted.
Daily human affairs are re plete with the interplay of rejec tion, persistence, and belief.
Experience would tell us that it is quite impossible for a person to achieve or get something sig nificant done if she/he does not believe he can do it. Extra effort and motivation is needed if this were the case. One, who does not believe she/he can do it, will not make it; he will not even at tempt to do it because of lack of faith. Strong faith keeps one on the move in spite of obstacles and difficulties. It gives her/him the resolve to persist. Faith is the fuel of persistence so to speak.© Copyright Bible Diary 2019