Gospel: Matthew 12:14-21
Then the Pharisees went out, and made plans to get rid of Jesus. As Jesus was aware of their plans, he left that place. Many people followed him, and he cured all who were sick. But he gave them strict orders not to make him known.
In this way, Isaiah’s prophecy was fulfilled: Here is my servant, whom I have chosen; the one I love, and with whom I am pleased. I will put my spirit upon him; and he will announce my judgment to the nations.
He will not argue or shout, nor will his voice be heard in the streets. The bruised reed he will not crush, nor snuff out the smoldering wick until he brings justice to victory, and in him, all the nations will put their hope.Reflections
“My Spirit upon my servant.”
The task/ministry we assume in the Church is the work of the Spirit. It is good to see our work/ apostolate/ministry—whatever we call it—as an extension of the saving activities of Jesus. We are instruments of the Spirit. We are its co-workers. And it is the Spirit that direct us and strengthens us. It is not our work. When we con- ceive it this way, we do it tirelessly and with more enthusiasm. We tend to be more caring.
It is not difficult to know if the Spirit is operative in the task that we perform.
St. Paul identifies for us the fruits of the Spirit’s presence in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, fruitfulness, and self-control (Gal 5:22). They all go together—a package deal. One cannot be missing and the others present. Where the Spirit is, we will find them all. We will always have them no matter how difficult, or challenging, the task is. These fruits of the Spirit are signs, or indicators, that the Spirit dwells in us, that the kingdom of God is settled in our heart.© Copyright Bible Diary 2019