Gospel: Matthew 6:19-23
Do not store up treasures for yourself here, on earth, where moth and rust destroy it; and where thieves can steal it. Store up treasures for yourself with God, where no moth or rust can destroy it, nor thief come and steal it.
For where your treasures is, there, also, will your heart be. The lamp of the body is the eye; if your eyes are sound, your whole body will be full of light. If your eyes are diseased, your whole body will be full of darkness. If, then, the light in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!Reflections
“Store up treasures for yourself with God.”
Treasures are our valuables. They may be difficult to accumu late. We have to work hard. But we can easily lose them because of bad elements lurking around us like insects or thieves. So Jesus highly recommends that we con sider storing up spiritual treasures that cannot be taken away from us. As long as we are alive, we do not worry about their loss. We bring them wherever we go. What are these treasures?
Again these are not material riches, like money, gold, jewelries that can be counted, weighed in scales or time deposited, but the joy that proceeds from listening to the Word of God. These treas ures are also our spiritual insights that give us proper perspective to the world around us and give us hints how to deal with other peo ple justly and mercifully.
The eye or other senses of our body can be our material treasures. We have to take care of them. We enjoy life because we have good taste buds, we hear beautiful music, we see the beau ty of people around us, we feel the tender touch of our loved ones.
Faith is our ultimate treasure. When we lose it, our world be comes totally dark.© Copyright Bible Diary 2019