Gospel: Luke 24:46-53
“So it was written: the Messiah had to suffer, and on the third day rise from the dead. Then repentance and forgiveness in his name would be proclaimed to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. And you are witnesses of these things. And that is why I will send you what my Father promised. So remain in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.”
Jesus led them almost as far as Bethany; then he lifted up his hands and blessed them. And as he blessed them, he withdrew, and was taken to heaven. They worshiped him, and then returned to Jerusalem full of joy; and they were continually in the temple, praising God.
Lectio Divina
READ: The ascension of Jesus entails commissioning of disciples to continue his work. Certainly, the disciples will be busy proclaiming re pentance and forgiveness to all peoples. They are not left behind without any task. Soon they will receive the Holy Spirit to give them power.
REFLECT: The disciples did not remain looking up to heaven for a long time as Jesus immediately disappeared from their sight. They had to look down more to discern how to start working and chart where they are going. The ascension of Jesus calls us to continue giving witness to God who shows mercy, compassion and forgiveness to his people.
PRAY: Lord, we who remain on earth ask for your assis tance as we embark on our own mission based on the talents you have given us. Help us to discern how best we can communicate your love to other people. Give us the grace to make your pre sence felt.
ACT: Go to your parish and coordinate with your priests and parish leaders. We do our mission in the context of our local churches. You can best serve the church according to your Godgiven talents. Do not pretend you can do every thing.
© Copyright Bible Diary 2019