Gospel: Mk 6:7-13
Jesus then went around the villages, teaching. He called the Twelve to him, and began to send them out two by two, giving them authority over evil spirits. And he ordered them to take nothing for the journey, except a staff: no food, no bag, no money in their belts. They were to wear sandals and were not to take an extra tunic. And he added, “In whatever house you are welcomed, stay there until you leave the place. If any place doesn’t receive you, and the people refuse to listen to you, leave after shaking the dust off your feet. It will be a testimony against them.” So they set out to proclaim that this was the time to repent. They drove out many demons and healed many sick people by anointing them.Lectio Divina
Read: Amos is acutely conscious of his call from God and asserts the same. In fact, everyone has received a call from God to share in His holiness. In the Lord’s Prayer, we are invited to pray for God’s Name remaining holy here on earth as in heaven.
Reflect: Today’s passage from the letter to the Ephesians beautifully captures God’s dream for us and the entire world. It is God’s dream that we share in his holiness, receive forgiveness of our sins and every spiritual blessing, become his sons and daughters, and be bathed in His grace. Even before we ask, He knows our heart’s desires. We are all called to be prophets to announce this dream to the world. And, our prayer must primarily be a praise of God and His dream of the Kingdom, and a simple statement of our needs more for us to be aware of our indebtedness to God than for God to be reminded.
Pray: Ask God for the gift of awareness of our call to share God’s holiness on earth.
Act: Recite the Lord’s Prayer meditatively.© Copyright Bible Diary 2018