Gospel: Jn 3:31-36
He who comes from above is above all; he who comes from the earth belongs to the earth, and his words belong to the earth. He who comes from heaven speaks of the things he has seen and heard; he bears witness to these things, but no one accepts his testimony. Whoever does receive his testimony acknowledges the truthfulness of God. The one sent by God speaks God’s words, and gives the Spirit unstintingly. The Father loves the Son and has entrusted everything into his hands. Whoever believes in the Son lives with eternal life; but he who will not believe in the Son will never know life, and always faces the justice of God.”Reflections
Laws are made by human beings to facilitate life in a community. However, there is a tendency for people in power to use law for their own advantage and even to oppress people. That is why not everything legal is moral. In the Philippines, Martial Law was legal but it certainly was immoral. I remember as Dean of College, I had to answer a professor who was questioning my critique of Martial Law and even disobeying its ordinances by openly going to rallies, etc. And my answer was exactly this: Not everything legal is moral. And as people of conscience we have to fight what is immoral even if by doing so we violate a law and therefore we must take the consequence of our actions. That is why during Martial law there were thousands and thousands of political detainees. A legal system is not always a justice system as we see from the unfair practices in our courts where big criminals are acquitted and innocent people are convicted.“ That is why this scriptural passage is so important. It really is better for us to obey God rather than human authority.© Copyright Bible Diary 2018