Gospel: Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30
After this, Jesus went around Galilee; he would not go about in Judea, because the Jews wanted to kill him. Now the Jewish feast of the Tents was at hand. But after his brothers had gone to the festival, he also
went up, not publicly but in secret. Some of the people of Jerusalem said, “Is this not the man they want to kill? And here he is speaking freely, and they don’t say a word to him? Can it be, that the rulers know that this is really the Christ? Yet we know where this man comes from; but when the Christ appears, no one will know where he comes from.” So Jesus announced in a loud voice in the temple court where he was teaching, “You say that you know me and know where I come from! I have not come of myself; I was
sent by the One who is true, and you don’t know him. I know him, for I come from him, and he sent me.”
They would have arrested him, but no one laid hands on him because his time had not yet come.Reflections
This is a constant reminder in the Bible that life is like a flower that blooms for a while then fades and dies. We often hear people say: How time flies. When we are young time seems so long but when we are in our sunset years time seems to pass quickly. Because life is so short every minute of it should be spent
wisely, fruitfully and joyfully. Why waste time on hating others, in worrying, in negative thoughts, in regretting things that are past. Every morning when we wake up, don’t we realize that no one promised us a “tomorrow” and therefore that this new day is an undeserved gift? So we say a grateful thanks for being given another day and resolve to make each precious minute a chance to see the beautiful things around us, to appreciate the kindness of people, to take the opportunity to give joy to someone, or just to live it fully in joy and contentment. If we live each moment in mindfulness, then it does not matter how short life is, because we have lived it fully.© Copyright Bible Diary 2018