Every summer, there are so many workshops being held left and right to keep everyone most especially the kids, really busy. Whether it be in singing, dancing, acting, cooking, baking- name it they have it! Nothing wrong with that, though. But while you’re at it, make sure, you grow spiritually every summer. Now here are great ways you can grow with our Lord Jesus Christ this summer.
- Pray
Pray daily. Enrich your prayer life. As children of God, we are wired to pray to Him call upon Him, listen to and follow Him. Before going to bed and waking up the next morning, and almost everything we do, praying is very important. We pray to our Lord to bless us in our endeavours, guide us to the right direction to arrive at the best possible outcome. Praying the Rosary, praying with the Scriptures, going to Mass and visiting our Lord Jesus Christ in the Adoration Chapel makes a big difference. Prayer helps us to do good and overcome evil. If you pray, you ask God to help you save your soul. If you hardly pray, you are putting your soul at risk!
2. Find a Bible Verse
There is no vacation as far as reading the Bible is concerned. Open and interact with it. The Bible is full of powerful verses and prayers that provides for our needs and concerns as we face trails and challenges in this life. I always take comfort in the verse “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13) Find a verse that speaks to you and you will be pleasantly surprised.
3. Serve
Serve your community like Jesus did. The Son of Man came to serve not to be served. Join and register in activities that might spark your interest. You’ll never know that it could possibly be the key to a higher calling that God wills for you. Open your mind and heart to it. Pray about it.
4. Spend Time with Believers
Should you decide to join and serve your community in whatever capacity, reach out in fellowship with others. Give them a chance to get to know you. Bring and share our Lord Jesus Christ with them. Get to know them. What are their interests and quirks? So that when a project that requires collaborative efforts, it is easier to get things done. And when the endeavour reaped a great deal of success, all of you involved unite and praise His name!
5. Worship
There is nothing better than worshiping our Lord. We worship Him for blessing us with one of the seasons we look forward to like summer, the Christmas season, New Year’s day and for the personal blessings we receive from Him out of His love, mercy and generosity for us.
6. Fasting
Fasting has amazing benefits. It draws you closer to God, gives perspective, and boosts your health. Fasting isn’t just intended for Holy Week. It has incredible benefits. It gets you closer to God, gives viewpoint, and builds up your health. If you can’t fast food for a day, give up coffee or sweets. Here are several reasons to fast.
*A spiritual fast can help you overcome negative habits.
*Giving glory to God in worship will re-energize your spirits.
*Fasting gives peace of mind and emotional strength we need during trials and times of anxiety.
Healing Relationships. Try fasting about a relationship that has been turbulent. The Holy Spirit can minister where there are wounds and bring healing.
*Look to Jesus We get too busy with life and miss important time with Jesus. Fasting will help you refocus on Him.
*Fasting is good for physical health and helps remove toxins, especially if you replace meals by drinking fresh water or juice.
*Sacrificing meals or behaviours will create a fresh devotion to God.
*Getting quiet during this time of fasting helps you pause. This might take some practice as we are so connected to our electronic devices, but unplugging will help you unwind and be still.
*Thinking of Others. A period fasting for others creates unity. It gets you mind off your own worries and allows you to intercede on the behalf of others
*Adds Years to Your Life Fasting can add years to your life and can lower blood pressure and also keep bad cholesterol at bay.
*Intermittent fasting could lower risks of diabetes
*Fasting reintroduces the Word of God and its importance in our lives. Reflecting on scripture during a fast is very powerful and can help your prayer life.
*Fasting leads to better self-control. Over a period time, a fast, will teach self-control, patience and better will-power.
*With fasting, you can lose weight by cutting calories and losing body fat.
*Lower Risk of Diseases. If you skipped at least just one meal a month, you could reduce risks of clogged arteries, one report suggests. Fasting could help lower risks of heart disease and Alzheimer’s.
7. Words
Watch your words. Speak life, not death wherever you may be whether at home, work, leisure or dealing with others. This is also like fasting. We not only take into consideration our diet and wellness but also our spiritual and mental well-being. Bad words are also like toxins that need to be flushed out of our bodies.
8. Have a Meal
Whether we enroll in a baking or cooking class or not, we can cook together and share a meal. How wonderful it is! For instance, in your community you may wish to have a potluck party and bring your share. This is also an opportunity to swap recipes or to have community cookbook project where proceeds can benefit the poor. Or have a soup kitchen outreach program organized. More than sharing a meal, there is sharing stories, experiences, life lessons to learn and treasure in the long run.
9. Read a Book
Find a good book that focuses on His goodness and love. Many good titles abound concerning diverse topics such as faith, angels, inspirational, religion and spirituality, family life, ministry and liturgy. You may go to a library to borrow or browse in bookstores like the Claretian Publications or you may click here to order online for titles to choose from and add it to your book shelves. http://claretianpublicationsbookstore.com/
10. Nature
We take the beauty of nature that lies at our fingertips and the fresh air we breathe in each morning for granted. The magnificent skies, the supple grass, and the tranquil breeze that rubs your skin are all treasures that we should bask in each day. These happenings are nothing short from miracles. Nature heals your emotions, mends your body encourages reflection, and the Healer of everything Nature provides a natural and free cure to anxiety and stress. The sounds of nature help people stay calm and relaxed. Moreover, nature’s atmosphere gives people the means to stay healthy. Nature is a gym sans the unwarranted expenses. It doesn’t matter what your eating habit is – nature delivers! Nature brings us with nourishment for our bodies and the vigor to get up and go. Without these abundances, we would be unable to stay alive.
Enjoy nature and reflect on Jesus’ true character.
11. Love
Love is the strongest power that encompasses entire the universe because it comes no less from the Almighty God. We can do good things to others and change or touch lives because of love. Set aside romantic summer love and look at the bigger picture- to love others more, that is. It starts with God, family, community and country. Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “Love one another as I have loved you.” And I also quote Blaise Pascal: “It is the nature of man to believe and to love: if he has not the right objects for his belief in love, he will attach himself to wrong ones.”
12. Share Testimonies
Do not underestimate testimonies. Testimonies are very, very, very powerful. It creates a ripple effect that can transform many lives and help others return to God through conversion. Share your testimonies through community activities and programs in order to show how the love of our Lord Jesus Christ touched many hearts and made a difference in their lives. It’s like a blessing that keeps going on and on and never stops.
As you grow in Christ, stay focused
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Make this your best summer yet as you look forward to many more!