By CBCP News
May 4, 2021
Manila, Philippines
A study found that Catholics want their churches to invest in a good sound system for the use of liturgy.
An “online survey on what should be improved during the celebration of the Holy Mass,” 27% or 324 of the 1,200 respondents said that sound systems should be a priority.
The majority of these respondents belong to the “young adult” category or those aged between 21 to 39.
A good choir and song selection also matter for many churchgoers, with 24% of those surveyed said that music is indispensable in worship.
Most of those who prefer a better liturgical music are adults or those between 40 to 60 years old.
Respondents saw as next priorities are the priests’ homilies and church ambiance at 20 percent each.
Five percent or 60 of the respondents then want good Mass readers, while 4 percent seek friendliness of church volunteers.
The “Veritas Truth Survey” was conducted on March 31, the 500th anniversary of the First Easter Mass in the Philippines, but the result was only released on May 4.
Radio Veritas president Fr. Anton Pascual said the study is just one in a series of surveys “to help in the ongoing evangelization thrust of the Philippine Catholic Church”.
“We hope that through this social research initiative, we may be able to help the Church to continue to fulfil its mission beyond this 500th year festivities,” he said.
The respondents were selected through stratified sampling. The survey was conducted through text and internet, with =/-3 percent margin of error.