Gospel: Luke 9:7-9
King Herod heard of all this, and did not know what to think, for people said, “This is John, raised from the dead.” Others believed that Elijah, or one of the ancient prophets, had come back to life. As for Herod, he said, “I had John beheaded. Who is this man, about whom I hear such wonders?” And he was anxious to see him.Reflections
“Who is this man.”
The answer to the question “Who is this man?” will tell us why, in the absence of Jesus, one is said to have harvested little even though she/he had sown much; and, why she/he was not satisfied although he had“eaten” and “drunk”. Having observed this in others and in ourselves, we are able to conclude that something is missing. An in- gredient in the formula is left out, and that is Jesus. Without Jesus, life is incomplete. There is always a sense of something missing, a sense of emptiness. We think that we have worked out many things and have given our best, but still, there is a fee- ling of “These are not the things I’m supposed to be doing.”When Christ fills our life, we are led to those things that serve our pur- pose in life and to those things that provide a deep sense of ful- fillment and joy. When he takes over our lives, our burdens, our failures are light to bear; and, we find direction. We know Jesus to be all of these that is why we are at peace and feel secure.© Copyright Bible Diary 2019