Gospel: Mt 21:28-32
Jesus went on to say, ”What do you think of this? A man had two sons. He went to the first and said to him, ‘Son, go and work today in my vineyard.‘ And the son answered, ‘I don‘t want to.‘ But later he thought better of it and went. Then the father went to his other son and said the same thing to him. This son replied, ‘I will go, sir,‘ but he did not go.
Which of the two did what the father wanted?” They answered, ”The first.” And Jesus said to them, ”Truly, I say to you: the publicans and the prostitutes are ahead of you on the way to the kingdom of heaven. For John came, to show you the way of goodness, and you did not believe him; but the publicans and the prostitutes did. You were witnesses of this, but you neither repented nor believed him.”REFLECTION:
Read: God desires and honors the conversion of a sinner. His love for the sinful humanity impels God to the act of kenosis: emptying one‘s self and privileges as God to become like one of us. Jesus gives the parable of the two sons who had a conversion of heart – one towards obedience and the other, disobedience.
Reflect: Cultures across the world have myths relating to the story of killing the dragon or some wild beast. Often such dragon/beast is a symbol of one‘s own ego. Getting rid of one‘s self – ego – is a hard act. But it is easier when one is full of love for the other. It happens in genuine human love relationships: e.g., between mother and child, husband and wife. When one loves the other, the will of the other becomes a sweet command and one delights in realizing it. When we love God with all our being, we joyfully let God increase and our self decrease in us.
Pray: Like Mary, we shall pray: ”May it be done unto me according to your will.”
Act: Recite the Lord‘s Prayer.