Gospel: Lk 16:1-8
At another time Jesus told his disciples, “There was a rich man, whose steward was reported to him because of fraudulent service. He summoned the steward and asked him, ‘What is this I hear about you? I want you to render an account of your service, for it is about to be terminated.‘
The steward thought to himself, ‘What am I to do now? My master will surely dismiss me. I am not strong enough to do hard work, and I am ashamed to beg. I know what I will do: I must make sure that when I am dismissed, there will be people who will welcome me into their homes.‘
So he called his master‘s debtors, one by one. He asked the first debtor, ‘How much do you owe my master?‘ The reply was, ‘A hundred jars of oil.‘ The steward said, ‘Here is your bill. Sit down quickly and write fifty.‘ To the second debtor he put the same question, ‘How much do you owe?‘ The answer was, ‘A hundred measures of wheat.‘ Then the steward said, ‘Take your bill and write eighty.‘
The master commended the dishonest steward for his astuteness: for the people of this world are more astute, in dealing with their own kind, than are the people of light.REFLECTION:
Every first Monday of the month, I celebrate Mass at the Provincial Police Office. After the post communion prayer, I was very strong and courageous to tell the policemen of the evils I witnessed done by them openly. I told them that it saddens me so deeply to see cargo trucks and other vehicles throwing money, packed goods, envelopes, bills or coins to the policemen on the highway. It pains me much every time a policeman is connected with a crime particularly in illegal drugs, etc. What I did is justified and confirmed by what St Paul wrote in the first reading; “I am convinced, that you have the goodwill, knowledge and capacity to advise each other…. “ Thank God, I made it. “The greatest tragedy in our time is to keep quiet and close our eyes before the evil in front of us.“ (Blessed Teresa of Calcutta)
Biblical scholars say that today‘s parable is one of the most difficult to understand. Seemingly, Jesus is praising the dishonest servant. The truth is, Jesus commended the servant not for dishonesty but for his foresight. He was in a critical situation. However, the servant faced it with resolve and foresight. Crisis could be prevented through faith and foresight. Foresight prepares us for the future. It makes us use our time and talent for what is to come, for the next life.