By CBCP News
May 8, 2020
Manila, Philippines
Only ‘simple’ weddings with few people will be allowed in Manila’s Catholic churches this year.
This means that entourage will not be allowed in another coronavirus safety measures released by the Manila archdiocese this week.
Bishop Broderick Pabillo, the administrator of Manila, said that temporary adjustments have to be made “due to our extraordinary situation”.
“We allow only simple weddings this year, with only the bride and the groom with one set of sponsors and the immediate family,” Pabillo said.
“No best man and bridesmaid for the meantime,” he said.
The guidelines were released on May 6 as the archdiocese prepares for the resumption for church services after the lifting of the lockdown due to the pandemic.
For baptism, the archdiocese said that only the parents and one set of godparents will be allowed for every baptismal candidate.
Parishes are also encouraged to increase baptism schedules if there are many children to be baptized to decongest their churches.
Even funerals will also have limited attendance as the archdiocese said only the immediate family would be allowed during Mass in the church.
It added that the people should be advised not to bring their dead to the church anymore if a Mass has already been done during the wake.
As for confirmation, Pabillo said they will allow the foregoing of mass confirmations this year.
He said those who are to be baptized as adults or who are to get married can be confirmed by the parish priest as church discipline dictates.
But the bishop stressed the need for the parishes to stream church services online for those who cannot participate physically in baptisms, weddings, and funerals.
Source: www.cbcpnews.net