by Br. Jesus Matias, ofs
Koinonia is a Greek word which means “communion”, “participation”, “sharing” … a very beautiful word to remember in a world filled with alienation, loneliness, survival of the fittest.
Creation is meant to be a continuum of interdependence of spirits, where creatures come together and to be a part of each other’s existence, and to a greater extent, to be a part of each other’s fulfilment.
Did our Father intend all of this for us?
If we all had been created by God for a reason, and meant to live together in the finite spaces of earth, then it must also mean that we have to help each other live. Otherwise, if we were destined to destroy each other, then what sense will there be in the wisdom of God to create us in the first place?
We have all been created by him for individual purposes, for us to have our own contribution to our little universe. We have been given gifts to develop so that others may benefit from what we have – a collective responsibility to care for each other.
Why then should we destroy what God meant for us to enjoy in this life? Shouldn’t we be happy in the company of free spirits, in the wonders of nature?
Is striving for justice, peace and the integrity of humanity and the earth a worthy cause after all?