Gospel: Lk 21:25-28, 34-36
Then there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth anguish of nations, perplexed when they hear the roaring of the sea and its waves. People will faint with fear at the mere thought of what is to come upon the world, for the forces of the universe will be shaken. Then, at that time, they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. So, when you see things begin to happen, stand erect and lift up your heads, for your deliverance is drawing near. Be on your guard: don‘t immerse yourselves in a life of pleasure, drunkenness and worldly cares, lest that day catch you unaware, like a trap! For, like a snare, will that day come upon all the inhabitants of the earth. But watch at all times and pray, that you may be able to escape all that is going to happen, and to stand before the Son of Man.Lectio Divina
Read: Days of justice, righteousness, salvation, and safety, as promised, are around the corner. Be watchful and pray in the midst of frightening events so that you will outlive them and be united with the Son of Man. In short, live in a way that pleases God.
Reflect: The good things of promise are not necessarily packaged in attractive envelopes; they often come in the midst of frightening events. This is good news: Even when the world seems to fall apart and the foundations of our lives are shaken, the people of promise who have lived a life good enough to please the Lord do not need to panic: in the midst of such tragedies, something new and good is being born for them.
Pray: Pray for the gift of discerning God‘s blessings even in the midst of trials and struggles.
Act: The season of Advent has begun. Plan how you want to observe this season.© Copyright Bible Diary 2018