Fervid, no amount of toil seemed to sate a conglomerate of moving, bending bodies all preoccupied with one faith; make the mountain worthy, climb it for rest. The pastor’s angst was un... Read more
In groups where men conglomerate there are the personalities that seem to shine whose seeming fault is that they do and thus the actual fault is not because they do and those that do not ta... Read more
If decency were meant to fall from trees the seed took time and, not unlike the grass, the difference is that the fruit does not allow itself to replicate and just be plucked by hands unless... Read more
Neat and separate and almost set aside in memories not meant to pat it, the mind is bashful to accept the thanks and prudent to deny as well there is necessity to even mutually acknowledge.... Read more
It did not happen in a consciousness too dizzyingly drunk to concentrate on matters contrary to hedonists; the mind a blank its corners riddled and remiss. He was a traveler whose trips had... Read more
It isn’t everyday the soul is seen that when it is the owner is possessed of it no more than when the seer said no truth can ever run past further facts than what has in the cou... Read more
There is no tentative considering of pain. When it inflicts a suffering calling a Name. The only one to call when there is certainty, as in a squall, no wind or rain or tempest or typhoon in... Read more
let me shed the hate that ill applies to anger although consummate unluckily discerned by trinity and bred by esoteric tragedies and regular neglect I hate the al... Read more
The texture of paper, the weight of a book, and the beauty of its cover are some of the things that I miss when I lift a Tablet, an iPhone or an IPad. I like the feel of paper on my fingers.... Read more