As though it were ordained the message hummed
a little after Angelus and then
was followed by an exhortation like
an almost kin of such chagrin to be
avoided as lament for it was not
a cause for faith to fade or trust to trail
unnoticed as a piece of amulet
to press when fortune seems scarcely felt.
And St. Louis de Montfort’s feast comes by
with thanks and observation rid of woe,
however smidgen-sized and yet could grow,
if it were not for solemn sympathy.
For men of hardened hearts do not deter
that which we hold as dear and not less clear
than ardor for a waylaid sibling who,
mayhap, has wandered into Waterloo.
And, having thus forgot, the altered state
may not be kindly called to ruminate
the pledge of erstwhile piety for dread
that grace may opt for some auspicious date.
The task, albeit almost keen, can wait
’tis not as opportune as judging waste
What can be salvaged as, instead of haste,
a worthy subject of a supplicant.
The ways to woo a prospect are but few
and not without a pledge the twain shall do
in earnest will of good besides the kind
of amity that will in rain not rust.
by Abraham de la Torre