B efore the light appeared at His command
the dark was all pervasive all around.
He knew that gloom will only partner doom
so countenanced the onset of a bloom.
E vening was the name He gave the darkness
and morning was the light that shut it out
He separated waters low ang high
that there be order He created sky.
G oodness being Him earth came afterwards
and then the sea to keep it from the ground
and out of mercy He decided plants
should fill the soil to make them multiply.
G od placed a sun to make day different
from night which He with moon and stars adorned
what infinite intelligence could know
the nothingness whence all this wonder grew.
I n keeping with omnipotence the fish
inhabited the waters and the birds
made firmament aflutter and alive
and filled the now evolving world with life.
N ext came the animals and then the men
and women who resembled Him were done
to have dominion over them but kind
enough to care as stewards of the land.
G od wanted nothing He was everything
that also came from Him and rest He did
without a doubt that Adam would with Eve
fall. His mercy is such for He forgave.