Gospel: Mk 3:20-21
They went home. The crowd began to gather again and they couldn’t even have a meal. Knowing what was happening, his relatives came to take charge of him. “He is out of his mind,” they said.Reflections
Everyone aspires for power of some sort — even just the ability to influence one or two people. There is actually nothing wrong with power — it is the energy behind any action or movement. What is important is how one uses power. According to a native American eco-feminist, Starhawk, there are 3 ways of using power: controlling power which uses power to manipulate and coerce people, power within — which discovers and develops the innate capabilities of people and power with – which harnesses and collects the gifts of everyone for the good of the community. Controlling power is the power that corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. People in power feel that they can do anything with impunity and can
coerce everyone to do their will. They seem to think they will be in power always and they do everything to perpetuate their positions of power. But as Scripture shows and human experiences tell us: HOW THE MIGHTY ONES HAVE FALLEN! There is an end to everything and the higher one is, the deeper one’s fall. And in the Magnificat, Mary exclaims: GOD SHALL PUT DOWN THE MIGHTY FROM THEIR SEAT AND EXALT THE HUMBLE! Gracious Lord, help us to use whatever power we have to make other people bloom and to create peace and prosperity in our community. Remind us always that there is an end to everything and that we should hold power lightly in the palm of our hands. Amen.© Copyright Bible Diary 2018