Gospel: Mk 1:29-39
On leaving the synagogue, Jesus went to the home of Simon and Andrew, with James and John. As Simon’s mother-in-law was sick in bed with fever, they immediately told him about her. Jesus went to her and, taking her by the hand, raised her up. The fever left her and she began to wait on them. That evening, at sundown, people brought to Jesus all the sick and those who had evil spirits: the whole town was pressing around the door. Jesus healed many who had various diseases, and drove out many demons; but he did not let them speak, for they knew who he was. Very early in the morning, before daylight, Jesus went off to a lonely place where he prayed. Simon and the others went out also, searching for him; and when they found him, they said, “Everyone is looking for you.” Then Jesus answered, “Let us go to the nearby villages so that I may preach there, too; for that is why I came.” So Jesus set out to preach in all the synagogues throughout Galilee; he also cast out demons.Reflections
God has an infinite number of ways of calling a person. In our times, no longer would one expect God to call him or her by name as in the case of Samuel. When one interviews people in religious life how they got into the convent, each one has a story to tell. Some would say because they saw a promo leaflet on the Church bulletin board an invite to a Search In. Others would say, I have been wanting to enter the convent since childhood. One woman said, she met one of our Sisters at a bus station and they started to talk and were even seatmates on the bus and so had a longer sharing. They gave each other their calling cards. A week later the Sister called up to say hello and the friendship continued. Now that woman is one of our Sisters, a treasurer in one of our big schools. I always react whenever people ask, ‘Were you broken hearted that is why you entered the convent?”I answer in jest: “I know I broke hearts, but I doubt if my heart was ever broken.” But seriously, why not? Why can a broken heart not be a sign that one is destined for some other way than marriage? So when people ask me: Why did you enter? I answer seriously “Don’t ask me why I entered. Ask me why I stayed.” That is more important. It is the day-to-day finding meaning
in one’s life a day-to-day answer to God’s call with: HERE I AM, LORD. I COME TO DO YOUR WILL.© Copyright Bible Diary 2018