by Meanne M. Mijares
On October 5, we celebrate World Teacher’s Day.
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk once said: “A good teacher is like a candle. It consumes itself to light the way for others.” The good teacher knows how to ignite the spark that kindles the love of learning by enriching our lives and future by sharing good quality time with us through their knowledge, wisdom and expertise not only in the subject that they teach but in the words and deeds they say and do and by the values they impart to us.
Next to our parents, we should also honor, respect and love our teachers. For in one way or another, they were part of our lives, touched our hearts. We all have our favorite teachers. Some of them have different characters, personalities and quirks. I have many teachers who influenced me and empowered me to be the best that I can be.
There is one that stood out from the rest. She is Mrs. Conchita Hafong, my elementary Christian Life teacher. She was the one who taught me to never lose grace and faith in the challenges and struggles of life. That statement made a huge impact on me long time ago and that I still follow her advice to this day and in the future. It helped made me let go of the little, petty things in order to focus on the true essentials of life.
I would like to join the many other students thanking their teachers by spending their time planning, guidance and support they gave freely, for making us realize that we have value and significance and capable of making a difference like them in one way or another. That it need not be grand or spectacular but coming from the heart.
If I may add, teachers are also like wine. As they age with time, the wisdom and lessons they have shared with us taste even better, shines and sparkles even much brighter. Our success is theirs too.
We say cheers to them for all the hours they have spent and the attention they gave, the risks and chances they took to help us be the best we can be!
We are grateful to our Lord Jesus Christ for our teachers for they are His instruments and blessings to inspire shape, break and mold us.
God bless you, our dear teachers!