Gospel: Lk 11:47-54
A curse is on you, for you build monuments to the prophets your ancestors killed. So you approve and agree with what your ancestors did. Is it not so? They got rid of the prophets, and you build monuments to them!
For that reason the wisdom of God also said: I will send prophets and apostles and these people will kill and persecute some of them. But the present generation will have to answer for the blood of all the prophets that has been shed since the foundation of the world, from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah, who was murdered between the altar and the Sanctuary. Yes, I tell you, the people of this time will have to answer for them all.
A curse is on you, teachers of the law, for you have taken the key of knowledge. You yourselves have not entered, and you prevented others from entering.”
As Jesus left that place, the teachers of the law and the Pharisees began to harass him, asking him endless questions, setting traps to catch him in something he might say.REFLECTION:
The killing and persecution of the prophets and apostles which is cited in the gospel recalls the event of the killing of Abel (Gen 4:1-12) and murder of the priest Zechariah in the court of the house of the Lord (2 Chr 24:20-22). These incidents serve as outcomes of envy and murderous rage. For Luke prophets and apostles hold the same function. They are both sent by God to proclaim his word. Since there are those who cannot accept their words or envious of them, killing and persecution took place.
Sufferings and difficulties are among the crosses that a follower of Christ must carry. They were experienced by early Christian and saints; and up to now, being experienced by the members of the Church founded by Christ. In the midst of them, we could use our own knowledge of the doctrine of the Church in order to endure until the end. Let this knowledge become our tool to make prudent judgment; to attain a deeper relationship with Christ; and to lead and encourage others to do the same. Be not like the lawyers in Luke‘s communities who possess the key of knowledge but their conduct have prevented them from using it for themselves and others.