Gospel: Mk 6:1-6
Leaving that place, Jesus returned to his own country, and his disciples followed him. When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and most of those who heard him were astonished. But they said, “How did this come to him? What kind of wisdom has been given to him, that he also performs such miracles? Who is he but the carpenter, the Son of Mary, and the brother of James and Joseph and Judas and Simon? His sisters, too, are they not here among us?” So they took offense at him. And Jesus said to them, “Prophets are despised only in their own country, among their relatives, and in their own family.” And he could work no miracles there, but only healed a few sick people, by laying his hands on them. Jesus himself was astounded at their unbelief.Lectio Divina
Read: Ezra is called to be a prophet who will preach God’s message irrespective of people’s response. Paul does a plain speak about his weaknesses which God gracefully uses for God’s own purposes. Jesus’ own townsfolk takes offense at his preaching and is astounded by their unbelief.
Reflect: It is interesting to note that Jesus is taken aback by the lack of faith among his own people. We, human beings, are normally astounded by the height of faith that some people have. Lack of faith seems a run of- the-mill category, an everyday reality within and around us. But it looks like, for God, it is the opposite: For Him, faith is an everyday act and lack of faith is surprising. And how the lack of faith prevents even the efficacy of God’s own initiatives for human welfare: Jesus was unable to perform many miracles due to the hardness of people’s hearts. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have faith as an everyday presence in our lives! Then we would see even our weaknesses and tragedies becoming channels of God’s Grace, as Paul could.
Pray: Pray for the gift of deep faith.
Act: In humility, surrender to God your weaknesses, asking Him to transform them for His purposes.© Copyright Bible Diary 2018